Clear old version of node js mac
Clear old version of node js mac
  1. Clear old version of node js mac software#
  2. Clear old version of node js mac code#

My main requirement is to have a base installation of a set of Node.js versions from which I can create local, project-specific, virtual environments. Node.js and Ruby).įor node.js, I don’t like to use Mac Ports or the installers provided by the makers of Node.js.

Clear old version of node js mac software#

This table identifies the minimum Node.js distribution to be using for each major release: ReleaseĪlthough I favor package managers like Mac Ports for many things, sometimes you need more control over what is laid down on your system, and what remains in place when picking up newer versions of software (e.g. Whichever you are using, you should be certain you are using a version of that release that was distributed on or after 31 March, 2016 there was a serious vulnerability in npm in earlier versions that you definitely want to avoid. Node.js installation (OS X) Security concernĪs of this writing (circa April 2016), there are four major releases of Node.js being maintained: 0.10, 0.12, v4, and v5. Typically, node applications are used for backend services of a website or web application, but they are also used for a variety of development utilities executed from a command line or in a shell script. The Node.js project has taken the core JavaScript language and made it available as a general purpose application language and runtime.

clear old version of node js mac

JavaScript was a language designed and built to run in web browsers. The Node.js package ecosystem, npm, is the largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine.

Clear old version of node js mac code#

The README accompanying the source code of Node.js 4.4.2 gives this overview: Removing the Node.js virtual environment (Windows).Automating the Node.js virtual environment (Windows).Automating a working script that uses the virtual environment.Automating the provisioning of the virtual environment.Automating the activation of the virtual environment.Automating the creation of the virtual environment.Automating virtual environment management.Example: Installing Node.js 0.12.13 on your system.

clear old version of node js mac

This time, instead of breaking the work into two posts, I’ll try to work it all into a single post (made possible by skipping direct inspection of the automation scripts). First I walk through everything using OS X-i.e., using a Mac-and then I describe the same procedures using Windows. In this post I give the details and some examples of using a Node.js virtual environment. In a previous post I postulated virtual environments as a solution to the problem of dependency and version collision for software built using languages like Python, Ruby, Node.js, and Go.

Clear old version of node js mac